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četrtek, 13. junij 2013

Inari course 2013- more about it

We are really enjoying the stay here in Inari. (Midnight Sun Course)The group of participants (41) are very interested in eJournal and optional workshops and of course they and we enjoy the nature, Saami culture, reindeer and midnight sun when it happens not to be cloudy. 

island Ukko
Yesterday we had a boat excursion on Inari lake. We went to a holly island Ukko, that happened to be meant just for man priests and women were not permitted to step on it, but now we could enjoy the beautiful view of the lake from it, although there were clouds of mosquitoes buzzing around our heads ...

the view form Ukko

the view form Ukko

on the boat shearing the national flavors
 This night I was awaken by a bright orange yellow light that came through the curtains, so I had to go onto the balcony and take a photo of the sun. You see, it's like a torch...

ponedeljek, 10. junij 2013

Inari 2013 - Midnight Sun Course, Finland

Back to Inari again, enjoying the wild nature, good food from the local farms and rivers, often different fish and reindeer meat. Here we are with 41 enthusiastic EU teachers from 17 EU countries, learning about how to use eJournal for project and educational purposes and incorporate new devices and tools in the everyday lessons. Apart form hard work we also experience a bit of life and learn about the culture of the indigenous population living in the north-western part of Europe, called Saami people. 
Of course there is also time for socializing and making friendships,  specially in the evenings, which are not evenings at all, as the sun doesn't set, so we can enjoy the midnight sun if it's not cloudy. All in all it is great to be here together with so many special and motivated teachers. :)
On Saturday night we enjoyed the midnight sun. It was almost daylight and the sunbeams
mirrored in the lake Inari were like a torch.

midnight sun

reindeer was curious who we are

Opening session in Solju Hall, Sajos

a workshop about photostory

petek, 19. april 2013

Petek, 19.4.13, Vulcano Sulfatara

Zadnji cilj letošnjega potepanja je bi ogled zanimivega ugaslega vulkana v bližini Napolija (zahodno). Krater leži v ravnini mesta Pozzuoli, približno 300 m premera. Po celotnem kraterju uhajajo vroči žvepleni plini (160 stopinj C) na enem koncu so manjša jezerca z brbutajočo vroco blatno vodo (140 stopinj C) kamorkoli pobrskaš se kruši žveplen zlepljen pesek in čutiš vročo krhko kamenino. Po celem pobočju se dviga kondenzirana para, tako da daje vtis živega vulkana. V preteklosti so tu kopali žveplo, imeli termalne toplice, zdravljenje z vročim blatom in žveplenimi plini in celo naravo savno. Celotna Flegrejska polja se občasno dvigajo in spuščajo, zato to področje vulkanologi stalno spremljajo tudi zaradi bližnjega Vezuva, ki je oddaljen le slabih 20 km. Čudila sva se, kako gosto poseljeno je to gotovo nevarno področje. Hiše stojijo na robu kraterja.
Polna vtisov s tega potovanja, sva komaj čakala, da se umakneva gostemu prometu in se odpravila čez Apenine ob Mirnejši Jadranski obali proti domu. Še ena noč in sva doma. Vsak konec je tudi začetek. Kam naslednjič?