petek, 18. april 2008

Srečanje- deseta obletnica

V sredini aprila so naši bivši učenci OŠ Solkan organizirali srečanje ob deseti obletnici zaključka OŠ. Z Matejko sva se kot bivši razredničarki udeležili srečanja in se poveselili z njimi. Žal sem srečala le 3 učenke iz mojega bivšega 8.c razreda, a vseeno je bilo prijetno poklepetati s celotno generacijo in obujati spomine na čase izpred deset in več let.

četrtek, 17. april 2008

SIRIKT conference, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

I had a workshop at SIRIKT2008 conference in Kranjska Gora. It was about e-journalism and e-lerning. Two colleagues Tatjana and Tina presented eJournal for so called home reading. Ilpo Halonen helped me with LiveOnline session about eJornal and its use for projects.
The whole week evenet this year started with KONFeT conference, followed by mega videoconference on Tuesday and ARNES conference on Wednesday and three days of SIRIKT conference. The working program and social meetings are realy worth visiting, workshops give oportunity for hands on activities and in the loby participants can try different software and programs presented by authors.

torek, 15. april 2008

KONFeT 2008 konferenca v Ljubljani

April 14th there was KONFeT 2008 conference in Hotel Mons Ljubljana and 4 SLO e-twinning projects were awarded by 'Zlati kabel'. I had an honor to present the Slovenian teachers and guests our e-Twinning project Kids Hand in Hand awarded in Romania at Europen e-twinning conference.