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sobota, 17. oktober 2015

Portugal - TSP course October 2015

This time our TSP General ERASMUS+ course happened to be in Oliveira de Azemeis. Agrupamento de Escolas Soares Basto, one of the biggest schools with new facilities hosted us. They offered us their classroom and technical facilities.

The beautiful school lobby

We also had lunches in their canteen, prepared and served by their students. The menus  were special they cooked tasty traditional food served in a really special way. We enjoyed our meals in a great atmosphere. 

The whole school breathed with us and made our course a success. We felt like at home.
The topic of the course is how to use tablets in education with a stress on 6 different approaches (from inquiry, game, problem and project-based learning, paperless classroom  to flipped classroom).  This time 20 participants shared this knowledge in a positive atmosphere and tried to get most out of the course. Filipe and I were their trainers.

Certificated were delivered...

Wednesday afternoon we spent in Porto, a beautiful and picturesque city of bridges. 

On Friday the community organised our visit to the park with Mills and where they bake a wonderful bread and enjoyed the nature. 

ponedeljek, 21. september 2015

Street view of Nova Gorica

Here is a street view of my hometown Nova Gorica.

četrtek, 23. april 2015

Na tromeji in ob Bukovniškem jezeru

Včeraj sva odkolesarila po daljši poti do Bukovniškega jezera, se sprehodila do Vidovega izvira in cerkvice v prekrasnem gozdu z energetskimi točkami. V mirnem okolju sva pojedla najino 'kosilo', natočila vodo iz Vidovega izvira in se naužila čistega zraka in mirnega okolja. Prevozila sva okrog 50 km. Po vožnji sva uživala v džakuzi bazenu, vroči črni vodi in plavanju v Termah 3000. kaj sploh še manjka:)? Iz širjave njiv se tu že dvigajo griči s trtami in gozdnatimi površinami. Kolewsarjenje je užitek, saj je malo prometa in pogosto so ob cesti tudi kolesarske poti.

Danes pa sva seodpeljala z avtom do Kraškega jezera in se od tam odpravila s kolesom do nekaj čez 20 km oddaljene tromeje. Vozila sva se po dolini in občudovala urejene hiše z lepimi vrtovi in kamenjaki polnimi rož. Vse je pokošeno in urejeno.

Do tromeje vodi strma pot, potruditi se moraš, da lahko uživaš kotček, kjer se stkajo meje treh držav.

torek, 21. april 2015

Moravske Toplice

Končno sva z Bojanom uspela ukrasti par prostih dni in se odpraviti v prekrasno Pomurje. Imava zelo lepo vreme, čeprava je šele april, je toplo in sončno. S seboj sva vzela kolesi, zato vsak dan prevoziva med 50 in 60 km. Po kolesarjenju pa se prileže topla termalna kopel v črni vodi in malo plavanja v tolpem bazenu. Včeraj sva se odpravila do otoka ljubezni in si ogledala Muro, mlin na njej in brod.

 Danes pa sva se odpravila do avstrijske meje in si ogledala Bad Ratgersburg in grad nad Gornjo Radgono. Zanimovo in lepo kolesarsko potepanje.


ponedeljek, 30. marec 2015

Friday - my touristic visit of Ronda and Setenil de las Bodegas, Spain

Finally a day off! Teresa took Eero and me to wonderful places Setenil de las Bodegas and Ronda. We enjoyed a beautiful sunny Spanish day with nice places and yummy food. It was a really relaxing day with a lot of great and inspiring touristic sights. We also enjoyed the picaresque countryside. While returning home we also see from the top of the mountain the African mountains and Gibraltar in the distance.

četrtek, 26. marec 2015

TSP English in Sensara, Benalmadena

This week we are in Sensara, Benalmadena, Spain with 16 great teachers from Belgium, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Italy and Netherlands.

sreda, 18. marec 2015

The carousel way of teacher training

This time a big number of participants was quite a big challenge for us, so I figured out that maybe we should make it carousel like and participants have to change the 'stations' in our case planets  clock-wise. It came out as a useful way of running a course. Luckily we are 4 trainers so each takes one planet to discover new approaches with them. 
Today afternoon is their excursion day to Malaga and the weather is quite friendly comparing to the morning shower. 

torek, 17. marec 2015

Tuesday - about inquiry based learning

Here is or second day at the course. We started OK, but latter WiFi suddenly went down :( and fortunately we had to work on short video inquiry, so we overcome the problem with a lot of activities at and around the hotel. After hard work participants presented their masterpieces and we all admired what was done in such a short time. They asked themselves interesting questions and with the research they also answered them with a lot of interesting clips and ideas. 
Here is my trailer with short snapshots of their work.

Meanwhile we also made a group photo with EUNEOS poster. 

ponedeljek, 16. marec 2015

TSP Course in Fuengirola, Spain

Today we started TSP course on the use of tablets in education. We are in the Higueron Hotel in Fuengirola near Malaga. 49 participants from 14 countries are here to learn about how to use tablet PCs in education. It's an Erasmus + course organised ba EUNEOS. We are now 4 trainers, one from UK )Peter), two from Estonia )Marina and Juri) and me. On Thursday Riku from Finland is joining us covering gamification in education topic using his special tool called SmartFeet. 

Here are some snapshots from today.